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i think its a good list for a NEW submissive, but like others said number 4,5 and 6 really depends on who you are, and the type of thing you like, but for a new sub who has never experienced being whipped it would probably be best for the person whipping them to be kind about it, but it doesn’t really apply to all people who enjoy being whipped. Also when making “rules” you need to remember that other people who play don’t always do it that way, it would be better as suggestions instead Rules, that way you don’t spark up a disagreement you don’t want to get yourself in, or get a shit ton of reply’s solely about your “Rules” being incorrect, that being said if you are trying to word things so they can apply to others make sure they actually make sense and are easily understood, 6 while it is good, is a bit hard for people to understand. the first few are great, they apply to being whipped all across the board. the last few are kind of unnecessary and don’t apply, some people, myself included enjoy extensive, intense pain when being whipped, though that may not be good for someone just starting out, its what many people like. anyway enough of my ramblings, the first 3 rules are fantastic, the last are less than, they should be included as mere suggestions.